
How to Parent a Highly Sensitive Child

Caitlin Slavens
August 31, 2024

Parenting a Highly Sensitive Kid: Real Talk and Real Strategies

If you’re here, I’m guessing you’ve got a highly sensitive kid, too. Maybe you’re knee-deep in figuring out what works, what doesn’t, and how to support your child without losing your cool. I get it—I’m right there with you. I have a highly sensitive kid are here some real strategies that have helped my sensitive kid thrive.

1. Respecting Big Emotions

When your kid’s emotions are all over the place, it’s easy to dismiss them. But here’s the thing: highly sensitive kids need their feelings to be seen and respected. They experience the world intensely, and it’s our job to be their safe space.

Why This Matters:Kids like mine often feel misunderstood. If we validate their feelings, they learn it’s okay to have big emotions. They don’t have to hide or feel shame for being who they are.

What This Looks Like:
The next time your child is upset, try saying, “I see you’re feeling really upset. It’s okay to feel this way.” No need to fix it or make it go away. Just let them know you’re there and you understand.

2. Creating a Calm Environment

We all crave peace, right? Well, sensitive kids need it even more. They thrive when life is predictable and calm. Think of it as setting the stage for them to feel safe and secure.

Why This Matters:A calm environment helps reduce sensory overload and anxiety. When they know what to expect, they can relax a bit more.

What This Looks Like:
We keep a pretty solid routine at home—regular meal times, bedtime rituals, and plenty of quiet downtime. And we’ve carved out a cozy corner in the living room just for him. It’s his go-to spot when he needs a break from the world.

3. Boundaries are Key

I’ll be honest—setting boundaries with my son felt like walking a tightrope. He needs limits, but the wrong approach can send him spiraling. I’ve learned that clear, gentle boundaries work best.

Why This Matters:Boundaries give structure. They show our kids that, while their feelings are valid, certain behaviors aren’t okay.

What This Looks Like:
Instead of yelling when he does something wrong (trust me, I’ve been there), I take a deep breath and calmly explain the rules. “I know you’re mad, but hitting isn’t okay. Next time, let’s use our words.” It’s not always easy, but it makes a big difference.

4. Encouraging Social Skills

Making friends can be tough for sensitive kids. My son often feels like he doesn’t quite fit in, and it breaks my heart. But I’ve realized that with a little guidance, he can navigate social situations better.

Why This Matters:Strong social skills help them feel more comfortable around others. It’s about giving them the tools to connect and build relationships.

What This Looks Like:
We’ve started practicing social scenarios at home. I’ll play the part of another kid at the playground, and we’ll rehearse what to say and do. It’s like a mini drama class, but with life skills.

5. Embracing Their Creative Side

My son expresses his emotions best through art. Give him some crayons and paper, and he’ll draw his feelings instead of saying them. For him, creativity is an outlet—a way to navigate the big emotions inside him.

Why This Matters:Creative activities allow sensitive kids to express themselves in a way that feels safe. It’s like giving them a language to communicate when words aren’t enough.

What This Looks Like:
I’ve stocked up on art supplies, and we have a daily “art time” where he can draw or paint whatever he feels. It’s been a game-changer for both of us.

6. Mindfulness: Not Just for Adults

Mindfulness is my secret weapon. It helps my son stay grounded and manage his emotions without feeling overwhelmed.

Why This Matters:Teaching mindfulness techniques can help sensitive kids find calm in the chaos. It’s about giving them tools they can use anywhere, anytime.

What This Looks Like:
We practice “hot chocolate breaths”—breathing in as if we’re smelling a cup of hot cocoa, then blowing out to cool it down. It’s a fun way to teach deep breathing, and it’s helped him manage stress better.

In This Together

If you’re in the same boat, know that you’re not alone. Parenting a highly sensitive child is challenging, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. I’ve learned so much about empathy, patience, and love from my son.

If you’re looking for more support, check out our course, “Successfully Parenting the Highly Sensitive Child.” It’s full of practical advice and strategies, just like what we’ve talked about here. And don’t forget to follow us on Instagram for more tips and stories from parents just like you.

You’ve got this. And we’re here to help.

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