
I Had a Traumatic Birth, How Do I Move Forward?

Caitlin Slavens
October 10, 2024

Birth Trauma and How to Cope: Surviving the Unthinkable

Let’s talk about birth trauma—not the kind they show in birth classes, with the sweaty mom holding her squishy newborn and everyone crying tears of joy. No, I’m talking about the gut-punching, blindsiding moments when birth doesn’t go as planned, and the fallout you carry long after. It’s the emotional wreckage that comes when you expected one thing and were thrown into another. Whether it’s an emergency C-section, a NICU stay, or sheer terror over birth complications, the emotional scars can linger long after you leave the delivery room.

We don’t often talk about this—about the grief that comes with an unexpected birth experience or the feeling of failure when your body didn’t perform the way you hoped. But birth trauma? It’s real, and it’s heavy.

What Is Birth Trauma, and Why Does It Happen?

Here’s the thing: birth trauma isn’t one-size-fits-all. For one mom, it might be the cascade of medical interventions that felt overwhelming. For another, it could be a sudden shift from calm labor to the chaos of emergency surgery. And sometimes, it’s about feeling dismissed by the people who were supposed to care for you.

Trauma often happens when things feel out of control—when your body is doing one thing, and everyone around you is making decisions that leave you feeling powerless. Maybe the birth was “medically fine” on paper, but emotionally? It felt like you were drowning.

And it’s not just physical trauma. Emotional trauma can hit just as hard, especially when you feel like your voice wasn’t heard in the delivery room. What if your feelings were dismissed? What if you were told you were "fine," but deep down, you weren’t?

Birth Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Yes, It’s a Thing

Now let’s talk about birth PTSD—yes, it’s a real thing. Just like any other trauma, the experience of birth can leave lasting effects. You might find yourself hypervigilant, re-living the scariest moments of your birth over and over again. That knot in your stomach every time someone mentions labor? The flashbacks when you hear a baby cry? That’s birth trauma, weaving itself into your everyday life.

Here are some signs that you might be dealing with birth PTSD:

  • Flashbacks or intrusive thoughts about the birth
  • Feeling anxious or hypervigilant, like something bad is about to happen
  • Avoiding anything that reminds you of the birth (including talking about it)
  • Emotional numbness, even when you’re supposed to feel joy

If any of this sounds familiar, let me be clear: You are not broken, and there’s nothing wrong with how you feel. Birth trauma is real, and it can affect anyone.

Coping with Birth Trauma: What You Can Do Right Now

So, how do you cope when birth trauma has its claws in you? It’s not as simple as just “getting over it.” Healing from trauma takes time, but there are practical steps you can take.

1. Talk About It

I get it—talking about your trauma is scary. But keeping it locked up only makes it worse. Whether it’s with a therapist, a support group, or even a friend who gets it, talking about what happened can help you start to process the experience. You don’t have to have it all figured out before you start talking. Just start.

At Couples to Cradles Counselling, we offer free consultations to help you begin your healing journey. Click here to book

2. Reconnect With Your Body

After a traumatic birth, your body can feel like a stranger. You might feel betrayed by it, or worse, disconnected. Reconnecting with your body—whether it’s through gentle yoga, walking, or just stretching—can help you reclaim some control. It’s not about getting back to “normal” because that might not exist anymore. It’s about finding a new sense of safety in your own skin.

3. Reframe Your Thoughts

This one’s tough. Birth trauma can leave you with a nasty loop of negative thoughts: I failed. I should have done something different. But guess what? You didn’t fail. Your body didn’t fail. The circumstances were beyond your control, and you did the best you could in the moment. Reframing those thoughts can take time, but every time you catch yourself spiraling, remind yourself that you survived something incredibly difficult.

"Need help reframing those thoughts? Our Beyond Baby Blues course is designed to give you practical tools for coping with birth trauma. Check it out here

4. Lean on Your Village

You know that saying “it takes a village”? It’s true, especially when you’re navigating trauma. You weren’t meant to do this alone, and there’s no shame in asking for help. Let your partner, family, or friends take on some of the load. Whether it’s watching the baby for an hour so you can shower, or just sitting with you while you cry, letting people in is part of the healing process. Here at Couples to Cradles Counselling we have maternal mental health specialists who have the expertise and experience to help guide you through this journey. Book a free consultation HERE

How Birth Trauma Can Impact Parenting

Here’s the tricky part: birth trauma doesn’t stay confined to the delivery room. It can spill over into how you parent, creating extra layers of anxiety and fear. You might find yourself hyper-focused on your baby’s safety, constantly checking if they’re breathing or over-analyzing every little thing. Or, you might feel detached, like you’re going through the motions but can’t fully connect.

The key here is recognizing how birth trauma is showing up in your parenting and giving yourself grace. You’re doing your best, even if some days it feels like you’re falling short.

Healing Is Possible

Look, healing from birth trauma isn’t about erasing what happened. You can’t undo the past, and pretending it didn’t happen won’t make the pain go away. But you can move forward, reclaiming your sense of safety, control, and joy.

The road to healing is bumpy. There will be days when it feels like you’ve taken two steps back, but every little bit of progress counts. Start small, whether it’s talking to someone, practicing mindfulness, or just acknowledging that what you went through was hard.

You don’t have to navigate this alone. Book a free consultation with Couples to Cradles Counselling and let’s start the healing process together. Click here to book.

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