
Does Counselling Help Postpartum Depression?

Caitlin Slavens
August 30, 2024

Counselling for Postpartum Depression: Finding the Support You Need

So, you’ve just had a baby, and you’re in the thick of it—sleepless nights, endless feedings, and the rollercoaster of emotions. You might have heard about postpartum depression, but let’s face it, you didn’t expect it to hit you like this. It’s more than just feeling “down.” It’s like being in a fog that you can’t shake, no matter how hard you try.

Postpartum Depression—What's Going On?

Let’s break it down. Postpartum depression (PPD) is more than just the “baby blues” that hit you when your hormones decide to go on a wild ride. We’re talking about feelings of deep sadness, anxiety, and exhaustion that stick around. It's the kind of thing that can make even the idea of getting out of bed feel like climbing Mount Everest. PPD can hit anyone, regardless of how prepared or unprepared you felt for this whole “parenthood” gig. And let’s be real: it’s not a sign of weakness or failure as a mom. It's just a sign that you’re human.

Why Therapy? Because You Deserve to Feel Better

So, what can you do about it? Ignoring it and hoping it goes away on its own? Nope, that’s not the answer (trust us). This is where therapy for postpartum depression comes in. Maybe you’re thinking, “Therapy? Do I really need to talk to a stranger about my feelings?” And we get it—it sounds daunting. But a therapist isn’t just any stranger. They’re trained to help you make sense of this mess and to teach you skills to start feeling like yourself again.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)—Your New BFF

Let’s talk about Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). Imagine CBT as that friend who’s super honest with you—the one who gently points out that maybe, just maybe, that negative self-talk isn’t helping. CBT is all about recognizing those unhelpful thoughts (like, “I’m a terrible mom”) and flipping them on their head. You know, like when you think your baby’s cries mean you’re doing everything wrong. CBT is there to say, “Hey, let’s look at the evidence here. You’re doing a lot right, and this is just a tough moment.”

Practical Tips—Because You’ve Got Enough on Your Plate

We know you’re busy, and the last thing you need is another to-do list. But here’s the thing: small, manageable steps can make a big difference. Maybe it's setting a tiny, achievable goal for the day (like, “I’ll take a shower today”). Maybe it’s finding a few minutes to breathe deeply or ask for help (seriously, asking for help is one of the best things you can learn to do for yourself). It’s about finding what works for you, one step at a time.

Finding Your Therapist Soulmate

Finding the right therapist is like dating—you’re looking for that click, that connection. You want someone who gets it, who makes you feel safe, and who you can imagine being open with, even on your toughest days. When you find that person, you’re not just getting therapy; you’re finding a partner in your journey to feeling better.

Wrapping It Up—You're Not Alone in This

Here’s the bottom line: postpartum depression isn’t something you have to face alone. There’s help out there, and it’s okay to ask for it. You’re a good mom who’s having a hard time, not a bad mom at all. Ready to take the next step? Visit to learn more, or better yet, book a free consultation and let’s start this journey together. You’ve got this, and we’re here to help.


Caitlin & Chelsea

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